Services We Offer


We are here to help you obtain and maintain a healthy, beautiful smile. 

All of our rooms have complementary tv and movie streaming, just for you! We also provide nitrous (laughing gas) for those that need it.

We accept most insurances, and are a provider of the Children's Medicaid program.  We also accept CareCredit, which is a great way to have a payment plan for treatment that you may need!

Click here to download the Care Credit Application. You can apply online before your appointment!



Dental Services

Comprehensive exam

For your first appointment, Dr Sarah will examine your teeth, gums, and entire mouth.  Any problems that she sees will be addressed, such as gum disease or tooth decay, and treatment options will be discussed with you.  We also take a full set of digital x rays to help us diagnose cavities in-between the teeth at this appointment.

professional cleaning

Even the best brusher can still leave plaque and build up behind that only a professional dental cleaning can get rid of! In order to get all of those hard-to-reach places, we use special instruments that can clean under the gums and in-between the teeth, places that your toothbrush may miss.  We also place fluoride gel on the teeth as needed, in order to prevent cavities and strengthen the teeth.  In order to prevent gum disease and bone loss around your teeth, it is important to schedule your cleanings  every six months.

oral cancer screening

Oral cancer typically starts as a suspicious sore, or as a red or white patch in the mouth.  Dr Sarah examines each patient at their check up appointments for any suspicious areas, and further testing is recommended by her if deemed necessary. 

digital x rays

Digital X rays provide a faster, easier, safer, and more efficient way of detecting and diagnosing tooth decay at its early stages, which can prevent bigger problems (and bigger expenses) in the long run.  

Restorative Services

dental fillings

Dental fillings are a safe and effective way of haulting the progression of tooth decay.  They help to restore teeth to their original state, and are very durable.  Dr Sarah provides white composite fillings and amalgam (metal) fillings, depending on patient preference.  White fillings are known for their strength and esthetics, while metal fillings are known for their durability, especially on the back teeth. We will determine with you what is best for you when treatment is rendered.


Dr Sarah provides simple and surgical dental extractions.  Extractions are the removal of the tooth when necessary from the bone that it is anchored into.  Dental extractions are needed when a tooth has been broken or damaged beyond repair by dental decay.  We have special instruments that are used to remove teeth surgically if needed. 

root canals

Root canal treatment is done to treat a tooth when it has been severely damaged by tooth decay and infection.  Treatment involves removing the damaged areas of the tooth, cleaning and disinfecting the inside of the tooth,, and then sealing off the tooth with a special medicine in order to prevent future infections from occuring.  Anytime that a root canal is performed, the tooth will become brittle, and so it will need a dental crown (or cap) placed over it to protect it from breaking.

Temporomandibular joint therapy/Muscle pain management

Do you have trouble with popping or clicking in your jaw?  Do you sometimes have earaches, headaches, or ear pain and soreness in the muscles around your jaw? If so, you may have Temporomandibular Dysfunction.  This can be caused by a variety of things, including injury to the teeth, jaw misalignment, teeth grinding, poor posture, stress, arthritis, or gum chewing.  We offer many different treatment options depending on what is needed, including nightguards for grinding, and muscle relaxants.  We also provide the latest technology in deep tissue pain therapy with the state-of-the-art Biolase Deep Tissue Handpiece, which can target specific areas (including the jaw joint) with concentrated laser energy in order to repair damaged and inflamed muscles and tissue.

Cosmetic Services


Invisalign retainers are the new "modern" day invisible braces.  Many different types of orthodontic cases can now be treated with these clear retainers, which most often can take less time than traditional metal braces. These are a great option for those that do not want the "look" of traditional metal braces, and are a great option for adults that would like to undergo orthodontic treatment.  Call us today to schedule your consult, and see what invisalign can do for you!


We have many different professional whitening options that we offer to our patients. From the traditional take home whitening trays, to in-office laser powered whitening treatment, we can definitely help you achieve the brighter smile that you've always wanted.  We are also a provider of KOR Whitening, which is a whitening treatment that can even whiten the most hard to treat teeth, including tetracycline staining.  Call us to schedule your consult today!


Are you tired of all the wrinkles and lines that have come with age? Are you wishing that those bunny lines and crows feet would disappear? Turn the clock with the amazing results that Botox can give you! Dr. Sarah has given Botox injections to her family and friends for some time now, and has now incorporated it into her practice for all to benefit from.  Call for a consultation today and get started toward a newer, younger you!

esthetic crowns and bridges

Caps or crowns are needed when too much tooth structure is lost due to tooth decay, or when a tooth has been treated with a root canal to keep it from breaking. Crowns give support to a tooth with a large fillings, so that they do not break under the everyday pressure of eating and biting.  Modern day crowns are made of much more esthetically pleasing materials, which help to give it the appearance of a real tooth. A bridge (two crowns with a fake tooth or "pontic" in-between them) can be fabricated to fit in areas of your mouth where you may have a missing tooth or space that needs to be closed.  They are made of the same materials as single crowns, but are a good way to replace missing teeth.  

restoring implants

Do you have a missing tooth that needs to be replaced? Dental implants are the best option that dentistry has to offer in order to replace teeth that have been lost due to tooth decay or fracture.  An implant is a screw that mimics the root of a tooth.  It is placed in the bone of your jaw by an oral surgeon, and then is allowed to heal for 6 months.  After healing has occurred, a crown is anchored to the implant, and the end result is a brand new "tooth" that you can brush and floss just like one of your natural teeth.  Implants can also be used to help anchor a denture that is loose due to bone loss.


Dentures are a replacement for missing teeth that can be taken in and out of your mouth.  They are custom made to your mouth,  and they can help to improve the appearance of your smile.  Without the support of natural teeth, the facial muscles will begin to sag, giving an older appearance. Dentures can help to bring back support to the facial muscles, and can also help you to speak and eat more comfortably. We are proud to offer both conventional and immediate dentures here at Bihm Family Dental.  Immediate dentures are placed in the mouth the same day that the teeth are removed, so that the you do not have to go without teeth. Conventional dentures are fabricated for those that have already had all of their teeth extracted. Call us today for a consult to see which type of denture would best benefit you!

removable partial dentures

Removable partial dentures are a way to restore multiple teeth that have been lost.  They are fabricated of the same materials as full dentures, and sometimes have metal clasps to help hold them into place by attaching to the teeth that are remaining in the mouth. There are different types of materials, some flexible and gum colored, some metal, that are better suited for different types of spaces.